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Enrollment Procedures/Admission Requirement

All necessary forms must be completed in order to secure your child’s enrollment with us at Children’s Learning Company in Bronx, NY. You must have:

  • A complete Registration Form
  • A complete Signed Contract / Fee agreement
  • A complete Record of Age / required Immunizations Card
  • A One Week non-refundable registration

  • Confidential Medical Record Form-New Admissions
  • Emergency Release / Emergency Information
  • Health Policies / Procedures Form
  • Discipline Policy Form
  • Authorization for Field Trip Form

  • Authorization for Activities Form
  • Authorization for Photographic Form (for center use only)
  • Child Pick-Up form
  • Emergency Contacts Form


All information contained in the student’s file is strictly CONFIDENTIAL. For all returning client families, All PAPERWORK must be completed yearly.


Financial Agreement must be kept according to the contract. Should there be any questions regarding your bill we will be glad to discuss it and go over it with you. We are willing to work with you and your budget for all child development needs.

Please note that all the information found in the Parent Handbook is subject to changes. Periodically throughout the year the changes that occur will be posted and the handbook will be updated.

Meals & Snacks


We understand, at times, children tend not to eat breakfast at home or perhaps a parent is running late, in these cases we do provide a healthy breakfast for your child of cereal with milk, hot oatmeal or pancakes/waffles and juice. Breakfast will be provided if your child arrives before 8:30 AM.


Your child’s needs and desires are very important to us. We find that because children have different tastes, ethnic backgrounds and even food allergies it is difficult to cater to every child’s needs. It is requested that parent provide their children with home lunch. This ensures both the parent and the center that your hungry child will be happy and full. A happy child is an energetic learning child.


Nutritional snacks will be provided three times a day. Our center follows the USDA Child Care Food Program. Juices, milk and spring water will also be provided.


If your precious one is having a birthday, we encourage parents to send cupcakes or cake so they can celebrate with classmates.

Potty Training

We accept children from two years old that are not yet potty trained. Your child should be able to inform of their need to go to the bathroom, willing to inform the teacher or assistant and have been eager to continue to train.

Our facility is equipped for diaper changing so we provide support to parents who are training and we continue the training that is given at home. Children must come to center using pull-ups and with the necessary change of clothes, wipes and a potty seat to fit the toilet.

Please be aware that many children by age two are eager to use the bathroom and are more successful, however, there are some children that are not prepared to be potty trained. In those cases, you must be encouraging and persistent in order to have some success in this stage of your child’s life.

Clothing should be easy to manage to encourage self-help and independence skills. Buckles and suspenders, when in a hurry to use the restrooms, may create a problem, so please provide easy to remove clothing. Parents are required to bring Pull-Ups, one or two sets of clothing, towel and baby wipes.

Things to Bring

Dress them according to the weather. Remember, spring and fall have cool mornings and warm to hot afternoons. In the winter, we require that you provide gloves, stocking, cap, scarf, snow pants and snow boots; in the summer sun block, insect repellent. Daily change of clothing, slippers, blanket, baby wipes and towel, if your child tends to have bed wetting accidents we require Pull-ups for nap time.

There are several things that we do not allow children to bring to the center:

  • Baby bottles

  • Gum or candy

  • Toys from home

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